Stories to keep you in the loop

and other stuff…

drone view of beach

Fatbiking - Beaches - Beer - Burgers - What's Missing?

Fatbiking - Beaches - Beer - Burgers - What's Missing? Did we leave anything out? Where's the flaw in that almost sacred sentence? Well, if you've read any of our other blog posts you'll know that we're pretty good at asking stupid questions, stupid as in the answer is pretty bloody obvious. . .
snowy mountains

Fatbike Snow Racing - Are You Hard Enough?

Have you ever wanted to part take in some serious hardcore adventure? Ever thought about getting yourself some true back country wilderness experience on your fatbike piled high with all the challenges that go with it? Well that's a stupid question bro -
autumn trees

Are you Fat curious?

Are You Fat Curious? Have you ever wondered why the recent 'thing' that is fatbiking is the 'thing' that it is? What IS fatbiking all about? Do these monstrosities on wheels that seem to threaten the very fabric of all things biking & seem to have taken the cycling world by surprise even have a future?