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Wicklow Enterprise Centre Winner 2016

This competition has been a great boost for the much needed publicity that all start-up’s need in earnest. Big thanks to the Wicklow Enterprise Centre and congratulations on their 21st anniversary. 21 Years of help & support to local business is a vital contribution to the residents of County Wicklow and no small feat. Massive Congratulations to Wicklow Brewery for taking 1st prize today in Wicklow’s Brightest Startup Company 2016 – Competition Results. Wicklow Enterprise Centre winner 2016.

Special thanks also to the local Wicklow News for the additional newspaper publicity. Check out the full article on all of the very worthy competitors here.

Craft beer and micro breweries are on increase in Ireland, new craft beer labels are appearing out of the woodwork and beer drinkers the world over are rediscovering their taste buds.

County Wicklow just happens to be home to three world class micro breweries all of whom (Wicklow Brewery, O’Brother Brewery, Wicklow Wolf) are punching way above their weight on the international beer scene.

Ireland has no less than 20 microbreweries on it’s East coast. True Story! If you don’t believe me then count them on this here map.

It is my sincere hope that Ireland takes a leaf from it’s closest neighbor and that something on parr with the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) develops/starts in Ireland. What is CAMRA and how does it work I hear you ask? It works like so; locals and visitors are encouraged to Drink Responsibly and are equally encouraged to support their local business’s by collecting stamps for every pint of craft beer imbibed at their local watering hole, kinda like getting a free cup of coffee with every 6 cups purchased, except this time it’s not coffee, and hey, let’s not kid, ALOT more fun! A jolly fine concept indeed!

Wicklow Enterprise Centre winner 2016

So I’ll wrap up my piece by letting you in on this little gem;

If you’re the type who likes to mix his/her pint of handmade guilt free micro crafty loveliness with a naughty dash of healthy exercise (OrgonomicTherapy) i.e. some super fun relaxed off road cycling on an all terrain omniterra monster 2 wheeled truck a.k.a. A fatbike! Then look no further, Fatbike Adventures have teamed up with Wicklow Brewery, Wicklow’s Historic Gaol and Morton’s Coaches and just so happen to offer 2 beautifully tailored fatbiking beer tasting tours.

Each tour includes some of the following quintessentially Irish sites Glendalough & the world famous St Kevin’s Monastic site, Wicklow’s Historical Gaol, Wicklow Brewery, Avoca Handweavers and last but not least the mythical Motte Stone.

Read more about and book your tour tickets operating daily from Dublin here .

If you already find yourself in Wicklow Ireland then look here

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Wicklow Enterprise Centre winner 2016

Wicklow Enterprise Centre Winner 2016